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Travel Diaries: Bohol Chocolate Hills (2010)

Bohol Chocolate Hills


When hubby went to the Philippines for the first time we made sure we bring him to the best place in town. It was the first time we met each other and it was one of those best moments in my life. He was down to earth and everything just went well with us. We met in Cebu. I worked and live there. Ari and I along with my sister and a friend went to Bohol and had a day tour around the island and stayed overnight at the beautiful beaches in Panglao. Of course we also went to other places aside from Bohol, but we’ll share them one by one. For now I am going to share first the beauty of chocolate hills in Bohol.


So have you heard Bohol Chocolate Hills? Chocolate Hills is a geological formation located in Carmen, Bohol Province, Philippines. There are at least 1,260 hills, but there may be as many as 1,776 hills spread over an area of more than 50 square kilometres. Chocolate hills are covered in green grass that turns brown like chocolate during the dry season, that’s the name came from. It is one of the tourist destination in the Visayan region.

It was on October 18th, 2010 when we were there. I know it was a long time ago. I just want to share here the previous travels that I had, hence this is my blog- a diary. We rented a car and we tour around the island. Chocolate hills was one of the beautiful things we ever saw there. We went uphill, the highest one. I cannot remember how many steps we took, but it was surely very high. Like up in the mountain. As soon as we got up there the view made us so happy. I have been there few times already, but I still feel like it was my first time. By the way, my father was a native Boholano that is why Bohol is so close to my heart. We always spent our summer vacation there when I was younger. The hills were so pretty and so green. Hubby on the other hand, fell in love with the place. He likes it very much.

Oh have you notice how tiny I was? I was indeed very thin and looks like weird with my short (ugly) hair. I never get fat or big when I was in the Philippines, no matter how much I ate. That was great, I never have a problem with body at all, which is quite opposite here. I gained a lot of weight since I arrived here, and I am hoping to get that thin body back. Anyway, if you are planning to visit Philippines- my beloved country I recommend you visit Bohol as well. There are so many things to do there that I am sure you will like. If you are visiting Bohol, make sure you are going to tour around the island and visit each tourist places. Chocolate hills is just one tourist spot you can go to, there are still a lot of things to see. I am going to share more on my next posts. I hope you enjoy reading this!


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