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DIY: Pen Organizer (Using Pringles Cans)

Do you have empty Pringles can at home? We have so many here as all of us love to eat chips. What to do with them is, of course, recycle them and turn them into cute do it yourself pen organizer. It is pretty simple and easy. Just like an empty can or bottle converted into a pretty pen organizer. Using a cute paper your empty Pringles can will look so pretty and useful!

DIY: Pen Organizer

The thing you need:

Empty Pringles cans
Nice paper

What to do:

1. Wipe and clean your empty Pringles can.
2. Cut it in half using a cutter or scissors.
3. Cut your paper just enough size to cover the can.
4. Attach the paper using glue to cover the whole can.
5. Done.

And here’s my little desk in the living room. This is where I blog and write down ideas. As you can see I have a few blogging notebook organizers. I have a separate notebook for the blog and social media stats, separate weekly letter notebook for my baby girl, separate travel journal, and any other notebooks. And of course, there’s the cute DIY pen organizer I just made.

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