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Eats / Filipino Chicken Adobo

I am going to add a new recipe series on the blog. I am going to share some Filipino recipes as well as Finnish recipes that I have cooked on a day to day basis.

Chicken Adobo is one of the famous Filipino recipes in the Philippines. It is easy to cook and only need a few ingredients. It is best to eat with rice during lunch or dinner. Chicken adobo is one of my favorite Filipino dishes that I have been cooking ever since. And, still, cook them even when I’m already in Finland. My husband and daughter love this dish too and normally we eat it with rice. Below I am sharing this quick and easy recipe. If you haven’t tried it yet, why not try it now? I am sure you will love this food too!


1 kg chicken legs
4 tablespoon soy sauce or more
3 cloves garlic, crushed
4 pcs dry bay leaves
1/4 cup cooking oil
2 tablespoon vinegar
1 cup water
1/2 tablespoon white sugar
1/2 tsp salt
whole peppercorn

1 kg kanankoipia
4 kpl laakerin lehteä
4 tl soijakastiketta
2 tl etikkaa
3 murskattua valkosipulin kynttä
2 dl vettä
1/2 dl ruokaöljyä
1/2 tl sokera
kokonaisia mustapippureja


1. In a large bowl, combine chicken, soy sauce, and garlic. Marinate the chicken for at least one hour or more.

1. Laita kanankoivet, soijakastike ja valkosipulimurska suureen kulhoon, sekoita ja anna niiden marinoitua vähintään tunnin.
2. Place the cooking oil in the pan and apply heat.
3. When the oil is hot enough, put in the marinated chicken. Cook all the sides for about 5 minutes.2. Lämmitä pannu ja lisää ruokaöljy.
3. Kun öljy on tarpeeksi kuumaa, laita marinoidut kanankoivet pannuun. Paista huolellisesti noin 5 minuuttia.

4. Add the remaining marinade and then water. Bring to a boil.
5. Add the dry bay leaves and the whole peppercorn.
6. Simmer for about 20-30 minutes, or until the chicken is tender.
7. Add vinegar. Stir and cook for 10 minutes.
8. Add sugar and salt.
9. Stir and turn the heat off.

4. Kaada loppu marinadi pannuun ja lisää vettä.
5. Lisää laakerinlehdet ja mustapippurit.
6. Hauduta noin 20-30 min, tai kunnes kana on pehmeä.
7. Lisää etikka ja sekoita. Keitä vielä 10 min.
8. Lisää sokeria sekä suolaa ja sekoita.
9. Sammuta liesi.



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