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Easter Eggs Decorating By Rianna

Today’s blog post is brought to you by my favorite girl in the world, Rianna who was very cooperative in doing this project. I am so grateful and proud of her for participating and actually doing this. She decorated all these eggs with a little help from me.

How To Decorate Easter Eggs:

1. To decorate the eggs you will need nail polish in different colors. At least 3-4 colors.  You also need eggs (plastic or real) and water.
2. First, add water in a bowl or a glass.
3. Put nail polish into the water and then soak the eggs one by one.
4. Let them dry by putting them in the egg tray.

We used real eggshells. I made a little hole in the egg and carefully remove the egg white and yolks. Then, I washed them with water and let it dry. We also used four nail polishes, yellow, black, (not shown), red and pink. 

How we did this: I prepared the eggshells by removing the contents, wash them and let them dry. I used a carpet/rug so the floor won’t get wet in case Rianna will get wild. I then put water in a bowl and then sprinkle or add nail polishes into the water. I showed Rianna how to put eggs in the water. And, then I let her do the rest. She had fun soaking/dipping the eggs into the water while I tried to capture photos as fast as I could.

It was really nice seeing Rianna enjoyed doing this. I can say we had so much fun together. I am so thankful that she was participating. I look forward to doing more crafts with her. Now, I know she is also interested in this kind of thing aside from playing and running around. Anyway, today is Good Friday. It’s a holiday here until Monday. Rianna and I did a little fasting today. It’s very warm outside, 12’c. We will go out later after Rianna’s nap. (If ever she will nap, still awake and it’s past 3 pm already). It seems that spring is really here.

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