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World Village Festival 2014

The World Village Festival 2014 in Helsinki is happening yesterday and today (May 24-25, 2014) at Kaisaniemi Park. Featuring the tastes of different cultures and surprises from all over the world. The festival offers world views and possibilities, as well as music, circus, dance, theatre, art and a wide range of interests from civic organisations to exotic cuisine.

As far as I remember, we always come to this festival every year. This year is no exemption of course! Thanks to hubby for changing his work shifts so we can just go and meet our friends. It was a lovely sunny afternoon spending time with friends while having a picnic along with other people enjoying the event. There were many different kinds of restaurants which vary from different cultures and countries. My friends and I have decided to buy Filipino food as we all miss them so badly. Having our own place and blanket, where we all sat down, eat and talk. We do not see each other often, so time like this is really special and memorable, at least for me!


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