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Eats / Chocolate Cake Balls

chocolate cake balls recipe

There are many ways on how to make chocolate cake balls. There are also many ways on how to decorate them. Today I am sharing an easy and quick chocolate cake balls recipe. This is really easy to make and is good as desserts for any type of party. I love to eat sweets and often crave it. When I want to eat sweets I just grab chocolate cake balls from the fridge and eat. Easy to cure the sweet cravings eh!

chocolate cake balls

Chocolate Cake Balls Recipe


Chocolate cake Mix (or bake a chocolate cake from scratch)
1 /2 cup vanilla frosting
1/2 cup Powdered Sugar
2 200g Chocolates or chocolate chips


  • Bake your chocolate cake. Let it cool completely.
  • Using your hands crumble your cake into a large bowl until they’re fine. Add frosting and mix to the cake using a fork. Squish the cake mixture with your fingers and mix well until it’s fully incorporated.
  • Grab a small portion and roll into a small ball about the 1-inch size and place it into a parchment paper-lined sheet pan. Put the cake balls into the freezer for at least one hour. Just to make it firm. Remove your cake balls from the freezer.
  • Place the chocolate in a bowl and put it in the microwave until it melts completely about 30 seconds.
  • Using two forks dip the chocolate ball into the melted chocolate.
  • Place the cake ball into the lined parchment paper. After you finish dipping the chocolate balls put them back into the freezer.
  • After an hour, remove from the freezer.
  • Using your hands, sprinkle or dust the cake balls with powdered sugar. You can also use any kinds of sprinkles.
  • Serve while chilling or put back into the freezer.
  • Enjoy!







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