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Rianna’s Third Birthday


Rianna’s birthday was over a month ago, December 9 to be exact. We held her birthday party on December 13th, Saturday. Life is busy here, but glad I finally sat down and blog about her birthday party. She turns THREE!!! Yes, hard to believe, right? I have now a three-year-old. Where did the time go? Still hard to believe. It feels like a dream.

I always say we don’t keep Rianna a birthday party, but then decided to have one when her birthday is fast-approaching. I had one month to prepare for the party and do everything by myself and of course some help by the hubs. Her birthday is on December and a few weeks away before Christmas. It’s hard to choose a party theme. But I always tried to have one so I can focus on what kind of decorations and cake I should make.

This year I choose the “Confetti/Sprinkles Themed Party” over Frozen. I actually thought the frozen theme was great as it coincides with the season perfectly. However, I do not have enough time to prepare and I don’t have the things that I need. So I confetti/sprinkles was the one!

confetti birthday dessert table

This is our first time to invite many people. It made sense, since you gained new friends from school and wanted them to come over to your house to have some fun and get together. Bring their kids with them and holla it was the best party we could’ve ever had. Rianna was so happy on her big day. It was quite crowded so we decided to have separate time between my friends and our relatives. Kid’s party is so much fun.

About the decoration, it was just simple. I cut round color papers and made a banner. Hang some balloons on the ceiling and hang a happy birthday banner that I once used on Rianna’s first birthday. I also made a DIY confetti birthday hat. I may share the DIY tutorials someday.

For the birthday cake, it was a chocolate layered cake with ganache frosting, and then I covered it with colored sprinkles and added a pink ribbon on it. It was very simple, and I think it tastes good.



Rianna wore a pink princess dress that I bought on eBay. She was uncomfortable and her dad changed her right before we sang happy birthday. So yeah, here’s the blowing of candle birthday cake.



This is her pretty pink dress which I regret not taking good photos while she still wearing it. Well, at least I have iPhone blurry photos to show.





My lovely friends and their kids…















Rianna getting excited to open her presents. She has so many birthday presents. Thank you, dear friends and relatives, for coming and celebrating our daughter’s birthday. Rianna was happy and thankful.


Lastly, you may want to read her first and second birthday here and here.

Thank you for reading!

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